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Why Facebook Removed 5,000 Ad Targeting Options (And What to Expect Next)

Facebook has removed a bunch of ad targeting options for a few reasons. It is very well known that Facebook, and its CEO, has taken a lot of heat over the past couple of months. In fact, it has been ever since the election in which Donald Trump won the presidency. Now, people accused Facebook of meddling in election affairs. To appease the fears of regulation and other uncertainty, Facebook has removed their ad targeting options.

Key Takeaways:

  • The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development has told Facebook that its targeting tools allows discrimination and has filed a complaint.
  • In the categories of employment, housing and credit, all advertisers are required by Facebook to complete a compliance certification on non-discrimination before putting out their adverts.
  • Facebook is so valuable to advertisers because it possesses a huge amount of data on people.

“In the coming weeks, Facebook said in a blog post, many of those targeting options will no longer be available, such as those related to ethnicity, religion, and national origin.”

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