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60% of People Are Sticking With Facebook, Even After the Latest Data Breach [New Data]

Facebook’s recent breach alongside Cambridge Analytica caused social media users to truly rethink what information they’re giving corporations public access to when engaging in online activity. Even with this dramatic breach, studies are now showing that over half of the world’s population is still keeping their Facebook account up and active. This could partially be due to the fact that 58% of study respondents admitted to not having a solid grasp as to what happened when their data was unlawfully accessed alongside 87 million other users.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are so many issues that come from people posting sensitive information online.
  • While people may post too much information, it is the duty of platforms to keep this information safe.
  • No one should feel worried about the things that they post online on a daily basis.

“And as few additional details about the full impact of the breach have been revealed since the news first broke nearly a week ago, we wanted to measure the public understanding of what happened — as well as the impact on Facebook use.”

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