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The week in martech: Oracle’s tech stack, image tracking & overhyped blockchain

Martech is a new site, designed to update readers on a weekly basis regarding the newest in marketing tech. This week, corporation-wise, Cision acquired Berlin-based ShareIQ. Thanks to the addition, Cision’s earned media platform can now track visual as well as text info. In market trends, Martech notes that blockchain is starting to lose its luster. Not only is it proving hard to get a real product, it’s proving difficult to work with and not nearly as transparent as everyone hoped it would be. Some stuff emerged in the augmented reality market this week, according to Martech, including a new headset from Magic Leap. Augmented reality has had a host of negatives to iron out, including positioning problems and visual ticks. Whether the headset circumvents these problems is anyone’s guess. But, Blippar has just put together a new visual positioning system that may help augmented reality products overcome their problems. Also, this week the Ad-experience platform RevJet added a cool 30 million to their funding structure and also added more than three times more workers to their payroll. Oracle Marketing Cloud pundits donned professorial glasses this week and cautioned users about picking and choosing different items from their shelf without knowing how they interact together.

Key Takeaways:

  • Larry Elison is an absolute legend who has grown his company at an exponential level.
  • The amount of platforms that are now introduction forms where you can store data is growing.
  • When storing data, make sure to take the necessary steps to ensure that it is all safe.

“This week, cloud-based software platform Oracle wants its clients to know that its tech stack is not a 7-Eleven (but it?s happy to help them make a chocolate cake), and the blockchain hype in advertising is starting to lose momentum.”

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