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Six ingredients of enticing browse abandonment emails

We all get those emails from random people, or companies, that claim to be something special or that have some crazy offer for you. More times than not, those emails are complete hogwash and have no business of being in your inbox. However, you can avoid many of these things if you are smart with your browsing on the internet. To make it simple, just avoid using cookies on any of the sites that you browse.

Key Takeaways:

  • Browse abandonment email is a fine tool to use to reach out to customers who abandon their online purchase sessions.
  • By looking at the products they added to cart and pages visited, you can ensure that your email message is not irrelevant.
  • You can use search to better understand the customer because in a search a customer has shown an overtly active interest and deeper levels of intent.

“Browse abandonment emails are easy to fine-tune. This is because you already have behavioural insight into the customer you?re targeting. You know that they?ve visited a website, and were interested enough to browse product or category pages.”

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