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Marks & Spencer’s call centre decision is a textbook case of playing to AI’s strengths

One of the most widely used aspects of digital technology and high tech advancements in recent years has been seen in the employment and use of the artificial intelligence technologies that have developed. The corporation Marks and Spencers is the prime example of a company that is using these new technologies to make their company operate at a more efficient and effective rate, and bring their business into the digital era as demands from consumers increase.

Key Takeaways:

  • On August 16, 2018, the news was relayed that Marks & Spencer had made a notable change in infrastructure.
  • The company made the bold move to use AI technology, specifically voice-recognition software, to boost their ability to handle incoming calls.
  • By September’s end, all 640 Marks & Spencer retail venues, along with their 13 call centers, will have deployed the AI systems.

“Ever since artificial intelligence appeared on the horizon, it has been accompanied by doomsday predictions of humans being replaced en masse by robots.”

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