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Marks & Spencer’s call centre decision is a textbook case of playing to AI’s strengths

Businesses around the world have taken new technological advancements and software that make their operations more efficient and implemented them in the modern era. This has included a wide range of different functionalities, with one very popular option being that of the use of artificial intelligence in customer service-related issues. Most recently, Mark and Spencer has made the decision to implement the AI software into their call centers in order to make the infrastructure more modern and efficient.

Key Takeaways:

  • The new technology is slated to be launch-ready in all 640 of the Marks & Spencer retail venues.
  • The same will be true for all 13 of the Mark & Spencer call centers.
  • Though the new technology will make more than 100 human workers redundant, the workers will be absorbed by the system and not let go.

“Yesterday the news broke that retailer Marks & Spencer will be deploying artificial intelligence in its call centres in a bid to modernise its infrastructure and handle a greater volume of incoming calls.”

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