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AI is the future of customer interaction – but it probably won’t be Microsoft’s Zo

One of the most impactful ways that technology and modern advancements have helped businesses is that they have made their daily operations more efficient and effective. One of the tools used by an array of businesses is that of artificial intelligence in customer service, in order to reduce lead and lag times. However, due to the fact that there is still kinks and issues that need to be worked out, some companies, such as Microsoft, have refrained from implementing the technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Future customer service AIs will need not only better natural language processing to determine meaning, but also the ability to judge mood and intent.
  • Zo has been (more or less) operational since 2016, but it?s still not particularly smooth, polished or fluent.
  • A much better and more human-like AI than Zo could provide companies with cheap but effective round-the-clock customer service.

“The vast majority of interactive AIs (chatbots, conversational interfaces etcetera) operate on the principle of conversation trees ? making them functional but uninspiring to interact with.”

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