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Episode 160: Not Getting Conversions with Facebook Ads? Follow These 11 Steps

One of the most important things any business can do when it comes to increasing their revenues and brand awareness in the online world, is that of understanding how to use Facebook Ads. Although it is still new, and many people are still learning how to work out the kinks in order to implement an effective strategy, following a set of guidelines and strategies can help increase the number of conversions any business is getting with the Facebook Ads program.

Key Takeaways:

  • The bottom line is that there is a large amount of ad saturation going on in certain media platforms.
  • Being able to capture the attention of the people you are targeting is huge.
  • Do not be afraid to be bold in your ads as this is how you will be remembered.

“In this week?s episode, the experts talk about some common mistakes that people make when setting up a Facebook ad campaign.”

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