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I Looked at Everything Google Is Tracking on Me. Here’s What I Found.

Recently privacy concerns over the data that large companies are tracking on from their users. Google for example tracks a large amount of data about its users from their phones. Google does this in order to give its users a more personalized experience including the advertisements users see. Information that Google tracks includes your search history, requests from the Google Assistant, and current location (even with your location history paused). Google stands by tracking this data as users have the ability to clear the history if they so choose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Google is one of the largest companies in the world and has information on millions of people.
  • Nowadays, anything that is posted on the internet is not private and it is visible for all to see.
  • People are more careful now with the things that they post online as they live life.

“When data privacy began making headlines this year, many people had a closer look at their app settings.”

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