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AXA PPP’s Head of Digital on the challenge of creating a trusted health tech brand

Fitbit exploded on the scene and there was no turning back. Today the technology app is a big deal. Users across an array of demographics are fascinated by them. Fitness buffs want to track their exercise goals. Dieters want to count their calories. Those with every type of symptom and condition want to be educated and to be able to monitor they symptoms and condition in a whole manner of ways. Basically, all of these different types of people are s trusting an app, more specifically a company that stands behind the app, with their highly personal data. Where once such information was the purview of medical establishments and practitioners alone, now companies that are not specifically medical in nature have access to that same type of data. And obviously there is no way to stuff the golden egg back into the goose. People want to self-manage their care today. But, the lack of a centralized way to pull in and then cull data means that there can be not only differing sources of data, but also different results from those differing sources. Looking ahead, those in the health tech field envision the need to create one trusted data bank for consumer health tech data. So, the goal becomes to be that trusted tech company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although medical data was once the purview of medical establishments and practitioners alone, the health tech field explosion has changed all that.
  • Because of the health tech revolution one person can have his data spread out among numerous data banks.
  • Not only is the data spread out, it can vary widely, which would lead to different analytical conclusions based on what data was used.

“From fitness trackers that monitor our heart rate and physical activity, to smartphone apps that assess our quality of sleep or help us keep tabs on our mental health, more and more of us are using technology to store and track health data.”

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