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How to Create a Local Marketing Results Dashboard in Google Data Studio – Whiteboard Friday

Creating a dashboard in order to determine how successful your business could potentially be is a great way to identify and tackle any problem areas within your brand. The first section on your dashboard should ask if people are successfully contacting you. Without a steady flow of contact, there is typically not a steady flow of income that follows. Next, ask yourself if people are taking the steps that you want them to take post-contact. Seeing consumers engage in the actions you had hoped they’d take shows a lot of promise for your company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Google is home to so many different things that can help your marketing efforts.
  • Understanding how to advertise is important but tracking the data is just as important.
  • If you know what it is that works and what does not work, you are in a good place with your business.

“What we’ve tried to do in this dashboard is really boil it down to the absolute basics, one thing you can look at, see a couple of data points, know whether things are good or things are bad.”

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