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Five Ways to Make a Subject Line for Email Marketing

For email marketing, your campaigns to have desirable results, it’s not only essential to make the killer copy which strikes the chord with your audience but also to craft such a subject line that will make your recipients want to click on, instead of deleting it or hitting the spam button.

As a matter of fact, 47% of users will open the mail only because of the subject line, while for 70% of them it will be enough to conclude that it’s worthless and that they shouldn’t bother to do that.

Email Marketing

Apart from trying to avoid all the spam traps in your subject lines at all costs, there are some other essential things for you to pay attention.

1. Make it personal. 

Personalized emails have 22.2% more chances to be open. Make sure to use details such as name, city, company, demographic information, etc.

2. Be concise. 

Subject lines shorter than ten characters have a 58% open rateWith more than 50 characters there is a chance that your subject line won’t display on mobile phones correctly, and the odds to be opened decrease. In other words, the subject line needs to be short and straightforward.

3. Ask questions. 

Include some of your audience’s most significant pain points and insinuate that you offer a solution. Of course, it’s essential to deliver and not to be misleading.

Email Marketing

4. Don’t use flashy language. 

Avoid superlatives as they sound too promotional and exaggerating, and it may seem as you’re overselling.

5. Stay away from fake replies and forwards. 

Your prospects will know,c and you don’t want to be considered a liar. So, avoid placing [Re.]artificially when you’re reaching out to someone for the first time.

Bonus – Don’t be controversial. 

For any jokes or humor, you need to know your prospects perfectly, so unless you’re absolutely sure that they will get you properly, keep things serious and professional.

Email Marketing

To learn more about email marketing, I recommend reading the following links:

In sum, these are some of the best tips to promote your business. You can start using these or later on develop your own.

Do you have any other tips?
Please tell us at the comment section.

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