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Episode 18: Russ Henneberry, Digital Marketing Consultant @ on Using Content to Generate Free Traffic

There are so many different ways for people to market their products or content. You need to be creative in your ability to attract people to see your stuff and retain them as customers. If you can do that from marketing efforts only, then you have a massive gift for your life. Some people are able to create some content that is not truly relevant to the things that their potential consumers are going to want to see.

Key Takeaways:

  • The bottom line is that you need to use marketing to ensure that your business with flourish.
  • If you do not get the word out there about your business, then who is going to know about it?
  • Everyone that owns a business needs to become a master at knowing how to get people to purchase, or try, something.

“Russ Henneberry is a speaker and business consultant and his advice to businesses is simple. If you’re looking to boost SEO, post often so you can make Google happy. If you’re looking to sell a product, create 1 high-quality piece of content and then pay to drive traffic to the web page.”

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