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Facebook Redesigns Pages as Reach Declines, 5 Fascinating Facts About Gen Z, the ROI of Meme Accounts, and More!

Facebook is overhauling the 80 million small business pages on its platform to allow followers to use those pages to book appointments or check menus. It?s also trying to make it easier to discover new businesses by adding a ?related pages? feature. The social media giant is facing a slow-motion problem with teenagers, who use it to check up on their more Facebook-oriented friends and family but don?t love it nearly as much as past cohorts of teens did. Instead, they are spending more and more time on other platforms, such as Instagram and Snapchat, which reduce the risk of unintended people running across their conversations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook is taking their cue from Yelp and TripAdvisor, so that their 80 million business users can be accessed as destinations in the same way as the more famous sites.
  • The pages will focus on recommendations, reviews and utility options, such as making a reservation.
  • The pages will also have a ‘related pages’ feature, which may be controversial with some.

“Facebook is attempting to redefine Business Pages not as just a broadcasting tool for marketing through News Feed, but a destination for customers.”

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