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Blog Home » Commentary » Episode 171: How Spending $5 a Day on Facebook Ads Boosted Brick-and-Mortar Sales

Episode 171: How Spending $5 a Day on Facebook Ads Boosted Brick-and-Mortar Sales

Mackensie Liberman used to be a professional in the science industry before she started up her own advertising agency in order to embark in the marketing world. Liberman decided to test if those five dollar sponsored ads offered on Facebook really made a difference in how many sales she closed in on. To her surprise, these small campaigns lead to quite an increase in the amount of new leads that were generated from this particular campaign alone.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mackensie Lieberman asserts that there is an ideal grace period that should be given to customers to return their coupons.
  • This ideal grace period translates to the best ROI for e-commerce venues.
  • The Digital Marketer Lab is a tool for marketers, vouched for by Lieberman, that offers a trial option for new potential users.

“Her agency, Orca Marketology, uses Facebook bots to increase revenue for both brick and mortar and ecommerce businesses, some for just a few dollars of ad spend a day.”

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