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Brexit has shown the power of segmentation & targeting in the age of Facebook

The arrival of Facebook has enabled marketers ? commercial and political alike ? to operate with far more detailed demographic targeting than was ever feasible with magazine or TV advertising. The sheer volume and variety of information available to Facebook enables extremely detailed and granular definition of the target audience for different ad campaigns, including parameters related to political beliefs, personal interests, receptiveness to specific types of messaging, and other highly detailed traits. This makes it easier to develop a wide arsenal of ads targeting these precisely-defined demographics with great accuracy.

Key Takeaways:

  • England is in a key moment in their history where they are looking to break from Europe.
  • Facebook continues to grow over time as they own many relevant businesses to their own.
  • Now, people are able to keep up with others at all times no matter where they are in life.

“Before Facebook arrived, the ability to target very specific segments was incredibly difficult.”

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