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How to think strategically about email personalisation

If you want to personalize your email, you are probably looking to create a type of brand for yourself. You want people to have a bit of an image of who you are and what you do on a daily basis. Personalizing your email could be a really good thing while others think that it is very uncalled for. Depending on what you do, you should consider doing it. Regardless of what people think, stay true to your word.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being able to have your own brand is extremely valuable in today’s society.
  • Email is a huge part of communication for millions of people in the world today.
  • Being able to think differently than other people is a big part of what separates individuals.

“With 80% of consumers being more likely to make a purchase from a retailer that tailors offers to their preferences, retail marketers should focus on personalizing email communications to further increase ecommerce revenue and customer loyalty.”

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