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WPP’s Connie Chan: Brand leaders should “adopt brand challenger strategies”

An upcoming event in Singapore is being dubbed Digital Divas because it has woman from top marketing positions sharing their experiences. Connie Chan warns about brand complacency and warns that those who do not adapt to changes or make adjustments will find themselves extinct in a few years time. Her agency helps their clients manage their relationships through client servicing, client management, and offers valuable advice on how to be a leader in a relationship while strengthening trust and interaction.

Key Takeaways:

  • Is it more important for your brand to be a brand leader, or is it more important to have loyal customers?
  • A brand leader is one who is innovative, who continually explores the market and adjusts to the changing landscape.
  • Senior-level marketers need to stay grounded in the foundations of marketing instead of getting carried away with terminology or technology.

“Trying to put a single dollar value on marketing is quite difficult unless the brand is very performance driven and only uses direct response or performance marketing.”

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