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What Does a World Without Facebook Look Like for Content Marketers? (Hint: It Looks Kind of Good)

If you are someone that loves to use social media for personal reasons, then you should start looking into running a business online. Social media is such a huge platform in the world today and many people are taking advantage of all the services that are offered to them. If you go on Facebook today, you will see so many different ads at one moment. Now, if Facebook was not apart of the world today, it would be so different.

Key Takeaways:

  • A technical issue caused Facebook users to divert their news consumption elsewhere for the 45 minutes the platform was down.
  • Interestingly, though two-thirds of U.S. citizens get news on social media sites, they do not expect accuracy from these sources.
  • With no Facebook, more than 10% of users diverted to direct traffic to publisher websites instead.

“Once upon a time, on a fateful day in August, the world witnessed 45 minutes without Facebook.”

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