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Unriddled: More Controversy for Facebook, Fines for Google, and More Tech News You Need

Despite the fact that technology and high tech modern developments have made our daily lives easier and more efficient on a daily basis, it is nevertheless clear that the new technology has had hiccups and issues along the way, with recent ones being more prominent than others. As Facebook is the center of controversy, and large tech firms like Google receiving fines for some of their operations, the world is still trying to find out how to regulate these companies.

Key Takeaways:

  • On a late morning, on July 25,2018, the New York Times broke the story about a Facebook enterprise gone south.
  • Although Facebook had registered to open a subsidiary in China, approval disappeared without a trace, all evidence erased from a government database.
  • Google is being fined by the European Union for Android market dominance, allegedly forcing manufacturers to include proprietary items.

“So as we hold onto to these summer days and nights — and know that, perhaps, you are, too — we’ll try to unriddle this week’s tech news in double-time.”

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