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All the Cool Augmented Reality (AR) Things Your iPhone Can Do Right This Minute

Your iPhone is an absolutely incredible piece of technology. In fact, just look around. Most of the people you know or that you see on a daily basis carry one around. It allows people connect incredibly fast and the way that the company, Apple, continues to innovate is absolutely incredible. Now, with certain apps and features, there are some awesome augmented reality things that your phone can do. If you want to see, just look it up and you will see.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apple?s ARKit tool, released in late 2017, makes it much easier for developers to incorporate AR into their apps.
  • Apps like Ikea Place and Modiface let you evaluate potential purchases by simulating how they would look in real life.
  • With Pixie, you can scan items you want to be able to find later and then the app will highlight them within a room to help you find what you?re looking for even among all the clutter.

“Up until recently, augmented reality (AR) has been more of a novel luxury than a genuinely useful tool. Sure, you can catch Pokemon on your phone or use fun Snapchat filters, but other than that, you’re likely not using augmented reality in your daily life.”

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