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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Trends in 2018

As technology changes so does the most effective forms of marketing. Keeping up with current marketing trends is vital for a business. One of the trends is that now customers are seen as a more central piece of the marketing schematic. This means businesses need to focus more on the customer service they provide. Furthermore, marketing through video ads have become significantly more effective in the last year. People are also focusing a lot more on social media and marketing through those platforms.

Key Takeaways:

  • To succeed in the world of marketing, you have to keep up with changes in real-time, as well as be able to predict what is next on the horizon.
  • In the marketing world, the flywheel is the new funnel and it puts the customer and outstanding service right in the center of your organization?s strategy.
  • For your blog to be an effective marketing tool, you must understand the type of content that speaks to your potential customer.

“On a yearly, quarterly, and even monthly basis, new trends and techniques pop up and transform the way we attract, connect with, and market to our audiences.”

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