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The Complete Guide to Email Retargeting

As a modern business person you understand the need to develop and use email campaigns effectively. It takes time, it takes energy and a lot of work. But, you do it. The good news is that with email retargeting you can reuse a lot of that hard work, without all that initial time expenditure. In fact, its entirely conceivable to garner as much as an extra 50% in sales revenues by using retargeting. Retargeting isn’t a new concept. Embedded pixels already have the ability to alert e-commerce owners when users visit their site and almost buy a product and then leave. At that point, it’s possible to send the user a Facebook ad and quite possibly get them back. Pixels, won’t work with email. However, it is possible to use your email’s autoresponder to figure out who responded to your mail. Then you only target those respondents. You will want your hand-picked recipients to part of a select Facebook audience you create. Ideally, no more than a couple of days should pass before the person that opened and read your email also gets a custom Face-book ad. By selectively retargeting this way you should be able to significantly amp up your sales.

Key Takeaways:

  • Email retargeting can help you to attain 50% additional revenue with your email marketing campaigns.
  • Email retargeting is similar to web retargeting in that you are going after a potential customer who almost bought something in the past.
  • You can approach email retargeting the manual way or use a tool like ConnectAudience.

“Web retargeting means you can show them an ad on Facebook, which should bring a portion of those people back to your site to complete the sale.”

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