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Neuromarketing: Surprising Facts Businesses and Marketers Should Know

The art of advertising is highly dependent on the neurological behavior of humans and what our brains find appealing and worthy of purchasing. Whether or not we may realize it, our brains respond to various marketing tactics in different ways, and many of these advertising approaches are better at securing sales than others. Familiarizing yourself with the basics of neuromarketing will allow you to construct advertising campaigns that have better turnouts than those without the same research used to back them up.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are some people out there that are triggered by certain things more than others.
  • You need to understand the science behind appealing to someone’s mind and what they like to see.
  • If you are running a business, you need to get creative with your marketing efforts.

“Welcome to episode #115, I’m Hailley Griffis and this week we’re nerding out over neuromarketing and how you can use it to get better results from your social media marketing for your brand and business. And don’t worry, we’ll give you a better explanation of what neuromarketing is before we dive in.”

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