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How I Used Facebook Lead Ads to Create a Quiz
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How I Used Facebook Lead Ads to Create a Quiz

E-commerce owners realize that ultimately its all about leads and turning leads into interested browsers and ultimately into new customers. So the bait is crucial. One online business person realized that one way to convert browsers into buyers was to use quizzes. Quizzes are fun, they engage and they promote knowledge and spur interest in a completely casual and non-threatening way. Plus, they are fun to create and not anywhere near as difficult and time-consuming as blogs. Pick a topic. Create an array of fun quizzes using said topic, and you have a good lure. Once a new page-lander has warmed to a quiz, access to a whole library of quizzes can be offered for those who deign to sign up. To make the process even less time-consuming and more hassle-free there’s quiz-generating software. TypeForm is a good option. One quiz-creator had the bright idea to use Facebook lead ads. Put the quiz questions right on the form. Then those that want answers, plus the ability to participate in more quizzes, can subscribe.

Key Takeaways:

  • Audience engagement is critical in marketing and as one marketer discovered quizzes are very engaging.
  • Creating quizzes is fun and not too labor-intensive and it is possible to create them quickly in batches that revolve around a given topic.
  • By luring browsers in with a fun quiz you can eventually get them to register to access the quiz library.

“One of my favorite things to do is solve problems by using a tool in ways it wasn’t meant to be used. In this post, I will outline how I did that by using Facebook lead ads to create a quiz.”

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