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How to Edit a Facebook Ad and Retain Social Proof
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How to Edit a Facebook Ad and Retain Social Proof

Editing ads on Facebook has never been easier. Facebook is trying to tap into its enormous user base and offering them a way to advertise their products. This can lead to a business taking off and getting the exposure that it needs. Some people are better at taking advantage of it than others. Editing a Facebook Ad will require some work but it can be done. One of the main things you should do is get the social proof after editing the ad.

Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook advertisers usually complain that they find it difficult to edit ads or Facebook posts that are connected to ads.
  • On Facebook only posts that are not associated with ads are editable. Many advertisers need to be aware of this.
  • The solution to the problem is unpublished posts. You need to find ads that are promoting unpublished posts and edit them if you want to edit posts.

“There’s a simple explanation for when you can and can’t edit a post. You can’t edit a post that is associated with an active ad. In fact, you can’t edit a post that is connected to an ad, even if that ad is inactive.”

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