Recently Updated Pages
What Happens if My # of Subscribers Exceeds My Account Plan?
In order to provide a streamlined user experience SmartEngage will always automatically upgrade y...
Linking Subscribers Across Platforms
A big part of what SmartEngage is great at is attributing different platforms to one specific Sub...
Blacklist (Suppression List)
The blacklist is a list of email addresses that are prevented from receiving broadcasts and autom...
Importing Push Notification Subscribers
Importing Push Notification Subscribers is done as follows. Step 1: On your left navigation menu...
Importing Emails
Importing Email Subscribers is done as follows. *NOTE: If you already know you have Custom Field...
Adding a New Subscriber Manually
Adding a new subscriber is the process of manually adding contact details for a person with an em...
Using Bulk Actions (Tags, Calculating LTV, Exporting, etc)
Bulk Actions are a great way run tasks for your Subscribers. Have a certain #tag or automation se...
Using Filters
Filters allow for setting conditions for which will then display the subscribers based on your se...
Understanding Custom Fields
Custom Fields allow you to store valuable information about your subscribers. For example, within...
Understanding Tags
SmartEngage uses two types of tags. 1. User Tags - These start with a hashtag # and are assigned...