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Using Mobile Mailer Feature

Statistics show that up to a third of all manually entered Opt in forms result in a fake or secondary email address being used. It is typically a throw away email address that is almost never checked other than receiving confirmations.

So what can be done?

We figured out a way to collect people's best, primary email addresses. And we do it by leveraging something that your audience is becoming increasingly reliant on year after year....Mobile Devices.

Our Mobile mailer feature is a brand new list building tool that leverages your lead's native email app in order to obtain their best, primary email address and name.

Step 1: SmartEngage allows you to create a  special mobile opt-in form. when a visitor taps this button from their mobile device their device automatically opens their mail client with a pre-written email of your choosing.

Step 2: When the visitor taps the "send" button, the visitor's email app will send an email to your custom SmartEngage account that automatically adds the lead's primary email and name to your Subscriber's list as a new contact.

This feature works on any mobile device that utilizes an email app or email "client". This includes almost all smartphones and tablets.