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Opt-In Forms For Facebook Messenger

It is advisable to first watch the videos for Email Opt-In Forms due to the overlap in how these are setup. Visit Email Lead Magnet Page


Overlay Forms

Bar, Modal, Slide-In, Page Takeover


Embeddable Forms

Button & Box


These lead magnets functions much like the email version. Click this link to view that

The main difference here being that you must whitelist the domain on the setup tab. 


Other Growth Tools

Landing Page


This lead magnet functions much like the "Page Takeover" lead magnet from the "Overlay Forms" section.

The main difference with the Landing Page option, however, is that once you activate/save and view the setup tab it will create a full landing page URL which you can use without even having to have a website.

Messenger Ref URL


Facebook Messenger Code


This lead magnet creates a link which will open within Facebook Messenger. It will open a chat with your connected Facebook Page. If this is the first time the viewer is interacting with your page then they will first be required to click on a "Get Started" button. After that the user will be greeted by whatever welcome message you have configured withing SmartEngage. 

Some great uses of this feature are for giving out links for coupons, thank you pages, free gifts, etc.  You create some incentive for the viewer to click the link and then they can follow the instructions from within Messenger, which also results in you building your list of Messenger subscribers.




This lead magnet allows you to easily add a checkbox attached to a separate submit button 

It's important to note that a user is not automatically added as a Facebook Messenger subscriber by simply using this checkbox option.  They will receive an automatic message as step 1 asking them to confirm by interacting back in some way. Our default reply asks them to confirm by clicking a quick reply button, which we have found to be the simplest solution to get them to complete this 2 step process.

Some great uses of this feature are for adding a checkbox to an existing button on your website such as Shopify.

Customer Chat

If you are having issues getting your Customer chat widget to appear on your website please review this article: