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Understanding Broadcast Reports

Broadcast reports are broken up into 3 main sections.  From top to bottom we have Email, Facebook Messenger, and Web Push Notifications.  

You will see statistics listed in these sections only if you used the channel during your broadcast.

For example if you sent an email only broadcast then the sections for Facebook Messenger and Web Push Notifications would be 0's.

The right side column will list your "Campaign Activity Stream". This is a feed of what is happening or has happened regarding this broadcast. It includes things like opens, clicks, and conversions. 

Lets take a look at the Email based section of the report using the image below as our example. 

(Please note that Facebook Messenger and Web Push Notifications are the same with respect to their channels)


The top left box (blue) represents the emails which have been opened and unopened. For any recently sent broadcasts this number will continue to increase as more and more people check their inboxes and, as a result, move from an unopened user to an opened user.

The top middle box (orange) represents CTOR (click to open rate) which is a % related to the number of emails clicked divided by the number of emails opened. This is a good representation of how good your call to action is within your email

The top right box (teal) represents the total people who unsubscribed after receiving this broadcast. Unusually high numbers here is an indicator of a bad list or people who simply don't want to see your messages. 

The middle left box (red) represents the # of spam complaints reported by subscribers after receiving this broadcast. It should be very rare that this block has any complaints if you are properly communicating with your subscribers.

The middle box (green) represents the overall CTR (click through rate) based on your number of clicks divided by the total emails sent, regardless if they were opened or not.

The middle right box (purple) represents the total # of emails that were actually sent.  It is not uncommon to see some emails as "Unsent" as this could be related to a full email inbox or bounced email. This # should be very low, however, and any unusually high numbers of unsent emails is typically due to poor list quality.

The bottom left box represents the average money made relative to any conversions which can be attributed to this broadcast based on how many clicks it took to produce the $ amount of conversions made.

The bottom middle box represents the average money made relative to any conversions which can be attributed to this broadcast based on how many opens it took to produce the $ amount of conversions made.

The bottom right box represents the total amount of $ based on conversions which can be attributed to this broadcast.

NOTE: One note related to Web Push Notifications reporting is that there are no such things as "opens" in the traditional sense of the word. In this case we consider the metric here to be "Delivered" which means that the push has been sent and it appeared on the subscriber's computer or mobile device.

Also, for Web Push Notifications the section for abuse complaints is replaced with a breakdown of devices sent to in terms of Desktop vs Mobile.